Oooh, Comic Relief does The Apprentice

Sir Alan making jokes about buying peerages with Alistair Campbell.
Alistair Campbell negotiating extremely well with Karren Brady…. (you can have the dodgems, we’ll have the next three…. – and they went with it!!!)
Boys Team: Alistair Campbell, Piers Morgan, Rupert Everett (who’s just admitted to stage fright and wants to leave…..), Danny Baker, Ross Kemp…
Girls Team: Cheryl Tweedy (Mrs Cole, thankyou), Karren Brady, Trinny, Jo Brand, and Maureen Lipman.
Boys have taken the best rides.
Girls are trying to sell tickets to celebrities like…. er… Ashley Cole.
Hilarious. Must stop blogging about it. Hardly edifying.

Eek Maureen Lipman swearing….